Determine Who Is At Fault In A Car Accident:
If you have been involved in a car accident in Florida, you may be wondering: Who is responsible for the damages? Determining who is at fault in a car accident can be crucial to a personal injury claim filed after an accident.
Florida is a no-fault state which requires all drivers to carry a personal injury protection (PIP) policy. PIP insurance helps cover medical expenses after an accident up to $10,000 regardless of who is at fault.
However, serious car accident injuries often require extensive medical treatment that may exceed what is covered by PIP insurance. Determining who is at fault in the accident can help identify who is responsible for damages that exceed your PIP policy. Additionally, you may need to determine who is responsible for covering any property damage caused by the accident.
The problem is insurance adjusters will often try to get you to admit fault after an accident to avoid making larger payouts. Having an experienced car accident lawyer on your side can help protect your rights after an accident and ensure you are properly compensated. You can always schedule a free consultation with an attorney following a crash to see what your legal options are.
There are many different types of car accidents and different factors that play into determining fault. Take a look below to learn how to determine who is at fault in a car accident scenario in Florida, or click on the pictures for more information:
Rear-End Collision
Head-On Collision
The victim in a head-on collision does not always survive the accident. This can make proving fault difficult for the family of the victim. A wrongful death lawyer can help seek justice for a loved one that has been killed due to negligence by another driver in a head-on collision.
Backing Into Another Vehicle
Multi-Car Accident
Hitting A Parked Car
However, certain circumstances may lead to others being at fault such as a driver that hit a parked car in an attempt to avoid a pedestrian that walked into the street. If the pedestrian was illegally crossing the street, fault for the accident could be assigned to them.
T-Bone Car Accident
Sideswipe Accident
Hitting An Animal
Pedestrian Accident
Open Car Door Is Hit
Determining who is at fault in a car accident can often difficult. You don’t want the fault to land on you if the accident was caused by another’s negligence. A car accident attorney can help you understand your legal rights and how fault will be determined after a collision. After a car accident, contact the experienced car accident lawyers at Calandro Law for a free case evaluation today.